We are a professional odor elimination service company that has been providing on-site commercial and residential services for over a decade--making us significantly different from the other odor eliminator solutions out there. Safely and permanently eliminate the most offensive odors such as cat urine, dog urine and cigarette smoke with non-toxic, biodegradable organic liquid concentrates! No enzymes or dangerous ozone machines--just scientifically fresh in as little 24 hours! Together with our proven products, we offer FREE step-by-step consulting long after the sale and guarantee results.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Keep Your Washing Machine Free from Mildew Odor

No matter if you have a brand new front-load washing machine, or a 10 year old top loader, mildew odor can develop as a result of using too much detergent and/or fabric softener. Over time, the excess build up of these materials will act as a bed for the growth of mold, mildew and bacteria. This moist residue is especially prevalent in front-load washing machines that do not drain completely—making a perfect environment for the rapid growth of these unwanted visitors.

If your washing machine, and washables, smell like mildew, there is a fix short of replacing the machine! For less than $20.00 USD, Odor Medic's proven smelly washer formula, Odor Medicine SWF, will eliminate the source of the odor. For fast and permanent results, simply run Odor Medicine SWF through a wash cycle per the instructions and it will destroy the offending odors.

Once the machine is odor free, the following tips should help keep it that way:
  • Depending on the size and how dirty the load, reduce the amount of detergent by at least half. (If you have soft water, you might want to reduce the amount by one-third of the recommended amount.)
  • Use one-half to two-thirds less fabric softener
  • Leave the door open between washes
  • Use hotter water to help dissolve chemicals and residue
  • Make sure the drain hose is clear
These tips should help keep your washer and clothes smelling nice and fresh.

We guarantee permanent odor elimination or your money back!

Our advice is FREE! Don't hesitate to call us at +1 612-270-2953 to discuss your specific odor problem, or by email at sales@odormedic.com


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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Removing Cat Urine Odor from Wood and Concrete Flooring

In this article we will cover two common mistakes to avoid when getting rid of cat urine odor from concrete and wood flooring. These mistakes can make eliminating the cat urine odor much more difficult, and in some cases unfixable.

Painting Over a Concrete Floor Contaminated with Cat Urine
When the cat urine is in concrete flooring, a common mistake is trying to seal in the odor by painting over it. This is a critical mistake to avoid because the gaseous odor molecules will work their way through the paint—leaving a situation that’s untreatable because the paint acts as a barrier and effectively seals out the larger molecules of the treatment solution. Plus, due to low surface tension, the cat urine will seep into places that you can’t paint such as in between the baseboard and wall.

Once a surface has been painted, the only alternatives are to keep applying coat after coat of paint, or removing the paint so that the contaminated floor can be treated.

Laying Down New Wood Flooring Over Surfaces Contaminated with Cat Urine
A much worse scenario occurs when a new wood floor is put down over a contaminated floor that has been painted over and is seemingly odor free. In this scenario, the only course of action to remove the cat urine odor is to pull up the floor, grind off the paint, treat the floor with a proven odor elimination solution such as Odor Medicine OF, and then reinstall the floor.

At Odor Medic, we stress that the application process is just as important as the product. Our successful formula for permanently eliminating cat urine odor combines our proven products and processes with free personal consulting and custom treatment plans.

We guarantee permanent odor elimination or your money back!
Our advice is FREE! Don't hesitate to call us at +1 612-270-2953 to discuss your specific problem, or by email at sales@odormedic.com

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Trying to Remove Cat Urine Odor

There are a few common mistakes that are made when trying to remove cat urine odor from carpet. In reality these make fixing the problem more difficult and, in some cases, unfixable. In this article we will cover mistakes to avoid when removing the smell of cat urine from carpet and other fabric surfaces such as furniture.

Removing Cat Urine Odor with Home Remedies
Some of the most common mistakes are home remedies comprised of various household items such as vinegar, baking soda or peroxide. While sometimes offering temporary relief, these remedies are short-lived and don’t permanently eliminate the smell. In reality, they only succeed in making the problem worse by spreading out the contamination and washing it deeper into carpet, carpet backing, carpet padding,rugs and furniture, etc.

It is essential to “pull out” as much of the cat urine from the fabric as possible, and then apply a proven odor eliminator solution such as Odor Medicine O.F. so that it’s able to come in contact with all of the contaminated surface area.

Fixing Cat Urine Odor with Enzyme Solutions from the Pet Store
Another common mistake is pouring gallons of enzyme-based odor eliminators on the spots. These products don't work and make the problem worse in most cases. They are intended to work by consuming the contaminate, but one drawback is that the living bacteria begin to die from the moment they are bottled for sale—immediately reducing effectiveness. Furthermore, when applied to a contaminated surface such as carpet, they are unable to determine the difference between the cat urine and other residues such as leftover soap from your last carpet cleaning.

The result is that the carpet, carpet pad and sub-floor get saturated and stay wet for months—causing an offensive ammonia-like odor to develop (in addition to the odor from the cat urine). Enzyme-based products are outdated solutions and we have yet to find one that proves effective.

At Odor Medic, we stress that the application process is just as important as the product. Our successful formula for getting rid of difficult odors combines our proven products and processes with free personal consulting and custom treatment plans.

We guarantee permanent odor elimination or your money back!

Our advice is FREE! Don't hesitate to call us at +1 612-270-2953 to discuss your specific problem, or by email at sales@odormedic.com

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Truth About Eliminating Cigarette Smoke Odor

Trying to sell a home that’s been smoked in is no trivial task—especially in a market where it can take a year or more to sell a perfect house. Here’s the truth about permanently eliminating this highly offensive odor that can significantly reduce your home’s value.

Cigarette smoke odor is insidious and contaminates every surface in the home including the walls, windows, floors, ceiling, cabinets, furniture and even the heating/cooling ducts (HVAC). What’s worse, if the surface is porous, the nicotine can build up in layers making odor removal even more difficult.

The key to permanently eliminating cigarette odor is to thoroughly clean all affected surfaces prior to treating with a proven odor eliminator such as Odor Medicine SFF. (Odor Medicine SFF is a safe, non-toxic solution that changes the molecular structure of the odor molecule—rendering it odorless. It’s highly versatile and effective in both liquid and vapor forms, as well as when mixed with other cleaners.)

Different surfaces require different treatments. For instance, conventional carpet cleaning does not get rid of cigarette odor. It’s okay to clean the carpet before treating it, but without a proven odor eliminator, the smell will remain. To permanently remove cigarette smoke odor from carpets, Odor Medicine SFF can be applied directly, or mixed in with a carpet-cleaning solution.

When treating surfaces such as the walls, floors, windows, etc., you’ll want to be sure to wash them until all nicotine residue is gone. (This is easy to tell because nicotine residue is yellow.) You’ll actually have to “bleed” the walls/ceilings because nicotine builds up in layers requiring multiple washes in most cases.) You should test clean every surface in every room looking for the offending “yellow” of the nicotine. (Note: Ceilings are a particularly tough surface to fix and the process depends on the type of finish.)

A word of caution: The absolute worst thing to do is paint over the walls or ceiling hoping to cover up the cigarette odor. Latex paint has minimal ability to seal in nicotine and, while a bit better, oil-based paint will not seal in all of the odor either—especially in heavily contaminated areas. What’s worse, the new paint acts as a barrier and effectively seals out any method of fixing the problem. If you have painted without first cleaning and treating the surface, the only remaining option is to apply numerous coats in an effort to reduce the severity of the odor.

Treating the HVAC system is the one of the most critical components of permanently ridding the home of cigarette smoke odor. In order to succeed, you will need to run Odor Medicine SFF through the system in vapor form. (Contact us for more information and to create a free custom treatment plan.)

Try our do-it-yourself approach first! The cost to treat a heavily cigarette smoke contaminated home is a fraction of that to repaint and replace carpets, etc. Our proven process is the result of more than 10 years experience working with realtors, apartment management companies and car dealerships—successfully fixing hundreds of homes, businesses and vehicles.

We guarantee permanent odor elimination or your money back!

Our advice is FREE! Don't hesitate to call us at +1 612-270-2953 to discuss your specific problem, or by email at sales@odormedic.com